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Minister Danielle McCann at the Ghislain Dufour Business Forum

On April 29, the Ghislain Dufour Business ForumTM hosted Quebec’s Minister of Health and Social services Daniel McCann. The Minister spoke to a full house about her focus on “collaborative leadership”, a notion of great importance to her, and which calls upon the involvement of all stakeholders of the Quebec society, including the business community.

Ms. McCann talked about her four priorities as Minister of Health and Social services. The first one is to reform healthcare access for patients, instead of reforming the healthcare system’s structures per se. The key to success lies in decompartmentalizing the medical practice, so that all healthcare professionals can fully put their skills to use. The Minister insisted on an increased role for some professionals, such as nurse practitioners, pharmacists and social workers.

The second objective is to decentralize services in order to make them more accessible in several Quebec regions. Ms. McCann also showed strong empathy towards healthcare workers, many of whom are dealing with distress. Her third objective is to open up more full-time positions as soon as practicable to alleviate healthcare workers’ current workload.

Finally, the Minister thinks that Quebec should ensure that it’s adapting its healthcare and services offer to promote innovation, and eventually prevention. Ms. McCann concluded her speech with a word on access to approved drugs. This is an issue of major importance, but the Minister is confident that Quebec’s creative and innovative life science industry is up to the challenge.

From left to right, we recognize Stéphanie Napky Couture, Consultant at NATIONAL Public Relations in Montreal; Ghislain Dufour, founder of the Forum; Danielle McCann, Quebec Minister of Health and Social services; Charles Milliard, Vice-President, Healthcare at NATIONAL Public Relations in Montreal; and Serge Paquette, Managing Partner at NATIONAL Public Relations in Montreal.

About the Ghislain Dufour Business ForumTM

The Ghislain Dufour Business Forum allows business people to meet and exchange with political and business figures in Quebec and Canada, political advisors or high-level public administrators on a non-partisan and apolitical basis. To learn more, visit