Federal election 2019: The path to victory for each major party

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As we move into the summer and inch closer to October, the narratives that will define the next federal election are becoming clearer. Parties are rallying their troops and starting to show their colours, and issues are starting to emerge as the potential ballot box question.
A lot has changed since the 2015 election that gave a majority government to Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Party. With three new party leaders, a Prime Minister whose reputation has been damaged over the last few months, and a party that might gain momentum from Canadians' growing environmental concerns, it is certainly hard to predict what the 43rd legislature will look like in Ottawa. However, we can already see what the success of each party will depend on, and what their main challenges will be to gain voters’ confidence.
Let our experts help you understand the strengths and weaknesses of each major party, and their keys to victory.
Click the links to read our analysis:
Download The path to victory for each major party in PDF version
Are you looking for more insight on the upcoming Federal election and how it will change Canada’s political landscape? Contact our Public affairs and Government relations experts.