Turn passion into advocacy, and advocacy into movements

NATIONAL crafts advocacy strategies that identify, inspire, engage and activate supporters. We build movements with impact.

It has never been easier or more important to participate in public dialogue about what a brand or organization stands for. Online advocacy – political and non-political – is a hallmark of our time. Building relationships with advocates and potential advocates means building data. Do it well and you’ve created a reliable and attentive audience of ardent supporters.

We help organizations understand and harness these opportunities. We use engagement models that segment our universe of supporters from aware to highly-engaged and we find insights that spur interest, action and retention.

We help define advocacy at an organization from inception to implementation. We ask: What is your advocacy point of view? Who are you trying to reach? What do you want them to do? The most important question is – why should they care to act?

We help organizations answer the questions that can lead to advocacy at critical times.

Featured case study
Vertex Pharmaceuticals Canada

Navigating the broad impact of rare disease in Canada

The impact of rare diseases is difficult to understand. NATIONAL and Vertex Pharmaceuticals (Canada) conducted a survey and a media relations campaign that helped to further explain the needs of Canadians living with rare diseases, but also of those who take care of them.

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