Federal election 2019: Analyzing the regional battlegrounds

Although the national campaign and the leaders' personality will draw a lot of attention, local issues—and how the parties address them—will play a big role in determining which way the votes go in October. Considering how much Canada’s political landscape has changed over the last four years, it’s safe to say that a lot of seats are going to be at stake, and the race is going to be close in many ridings.

With that in mind, our experts take a look at what the barometer issues, narratives, questions and other “X factors” will be in some of Canada's key battlegrounds throughout the upcoming campaign.

Click the links to read our analysis:

Are you looking for more insight on the upcoming Federal election and how it will change Canada’s political landscape? Contact our Public Affairs and Government Relations experts.


Written by Andrew Richardson | Jeffrey Ferrier

Regional battleground: British Columbia
July 18, 2019