Providing comprehensive services for a $100 million IPO
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Charlotte’s Web is one of the leading companies manufacturing and distributing hemp-based cannabidiol (CBD) in the United States. The company is named after Charlotte Figi, a young girl who suffered daily from seizures before using the company’s oil. In the summer of 2018, this progressive company sought to go public on the Canadian Securities Exchange (CSE). While running a rapidly growing business, management was facing the all-encompassing demands of an IPO and required support to create an investor narrative and marketing materials that aligned with their unique brand.
Charlotte’s Web engaged NATIONAL to provide comprehensive IPO services. Alongside lead underwriter, Cannacord Genuity, NATIONAL worked closely with the Charlotte’s Web team, to help develop the first long form prospectus offering for a cannabis company. NATIONAL crafted the messaging, investor presentation, prospectus cover graphics and kit folders, as well as speaker training. NATIONAL provided further support to the company during their roadshow, offering logistical services and creating and managing the online portion of the roadshow. Charlotte Web’s IPO was highly successful and oversubscribed, raising more than $100 million.