Supporting an orderly re-entry to Fort McMurray

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NATIONAL sent more than 23 of its leading issues and crisis communication consultants, many of whom had experience working within the ICS model of emergency communications, from Halifax, Montreal, Toronto, Calgary and Vancouver to Fort McMurray, Alta. We supported an orderly re-entry of 90,000 residents who were anxious to return to their city after the devastating fires. Working around the clock, our consultants had one focus in mind: to support displaced residents of Fort McMurray though effective communications and facilitate an orderly re-entry. Our team worked with some of the most qualified individuals in the field of crisis response and was recognized for its ability to mobilize quickly, act as the Public Information Officer (PIO), offer strategic advice and counsel, communicate important facts to the right people at the right time, provide support at the re-entry centres located around the city and ensured effective communications were delivered each and every time we communicated both internally and externally. NATIONAL’s involvement in this unprecedented natural disaster is one of the proudest moments in our firm’s 40-year history.