NATIONAL and EPIC Oil Extractors video takes home three creative awards

August 28, 2018

The award-winning video demonstrates EPIC’s process for extracting oil.

NATIONAL and EPIC Oil Extractors won three awards for their work on a short informative video, demonstrating EPIC’s process for extracting oil: the ‘Gold’ Hermes Creative Award, the 2018 Videographer Award ‘with distinction’, and the ‘Gold’ dotComm Award.

EPIC required support to increase awareness of their extraction technology, and ultimately to help the company sell its products. NATIONAL Calgary’s Studio responded with an educational video outlining the ground-breaking extraction process in an accessible and visually appealing manner. The three-minute video included engaging animation, informative graphics and compelling narration.

Hermes Creative Awards annually go to creative professionals involved in the production of traditional and emerging media. Winners are decided by the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals. NATIONAL was declared a ‘Gold’ Hermes Creative Award winner.

The same Association declared NATIONAL and EPIC a winner “with distinction” of the 2018 Videographer Awards. This international organization receives thousands of applicants for the esteemed Videographer Awards annually.

dotComm Awards honour excellence in web creativity and digital communication. There were over 6,500 entries to also be evaluated by the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals. NATIONAL was named a ‘Gold’ winner of this award as well.