Nourrir son avenir et le droit des femmes et des filles à l’alimentation

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C’est hier que CARE Canada lançait sa campagne de sensibilisation Nourrir son avenir ( Ce lancement s’inscrit dans la foulée de la rencontre du G7 dans la région de Charlevoix, alors que les thèmes de l’égalité des sexes et l’émancipation des femmes se sont retrouvés au cœur des discussions. Le lancement de la campagne se produit un peu moins d’un an avant la conférence Women Deliver 2019 (#WeDeliver2019), le plus grand rassemblement au monde sur la santé, les droits et le mieux-être des femmes et des jeunes filles qui se tiendra le 3 juin 2019, à Vancouver, en Colombie-Britannique. L’objectif de la campagne de sensibilisation avec laquelle NATIONAL a joué un rôle de premier plan est d’entamer un dialogue avec les Canadiens au sujet de l’importance d’accorder aux femmes et aux filles l’accès à une alimentation adéquate. Le programme alimentaire se dit sexotransformateur, en ce qu’il adopte une approche au droit des femmes et des filles à l’alimentation basée sur le droit de la personne. (Le billet est en anglais.)
Yesterday, CARE Canada launched its nutrition campaign, #FeedHerFuture. This campaign launch is particularly timely following the G7 Summit in Charlevoix, Quebec this month where gender equality and women’s empowerment were key points of discussion. The launch also marks just under one-year to #WeDeliver2019, the world’s largest gathering on the health, rights, and wellbeing of women and girls, set to take place on June 3, 2019 in Vancouver, BC.
#FeedHerFuture is about so much more than nutrition; it is about uncovering the social and gender norms that are affecting women’s access to nutrition.
Over the past two years, CARE Canada and its project partners – CUSO International, the Interagency Coalition on AIDS and Development (ICAD), and McGill University – have been working directly with communities in Malawi, Mozambique and Zambia to implement this initiative. Their goal is to improve the nutritional status of women and children through the implementation of gender transformative programming, which places a particular focus on women and girls’ rights.
#FeedHerFuture is about raising awareness and engaging with Canadians about the importance of giving women and girls’ access to proper nutrition, and all that “access” truly entails! It is an important example of Canadian aid projects that are putting women and girls’ first.
NATIONAL is proud to have had this opportunity to support CARE Canada in the development of their social campaign strategy and vision and to help share their important message. Through #FeedHerFuture, CARE Canada and its partners will share stories, best practices and lessons learned in order to shift attitudes, change perspective and develop lasting change.
If you believe women and girls’ access to nutrition is a basic human right, we welcome your support!
You too can help CARE Canada #FeedHerFuture by following @FeedHerFuture and by joining in on the conversation on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
Visit to learn more about this innovative initiative.
——— Michelle Coates Mather était directrice, Communication stratégique et engagement public au Cabinet de relations publiques NATIONAL.