Et maintenant? Comment garder son élan après un lancement

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Vous avez investi temps et effort pour organiser un lancement d’impact pour votre dernier produit. L’événement a été couronné de succès : vous avez obtenu une couverture médiatique appréciable, gagné de nouveaux adeptes et réalisé quelques ventes. Mais ce n’est qu’un début – le défi est maintenant de conserver cet élan pour demeurer présent dans l’esprit de vos clients.
Amanda Grinavich, directrice de comptes principale chez notre compagnie sœur SHIFT Communications, partage quelques conseils pour maintenir votre vitesse de croisière après un lancement de produit important. (L’article est en anglais.)
Congratulations! You just had your first big launch. It was exciting and exhausting all wrapped into one. You got some great press, gained a few followers and sold some products.
So… now what?
(Cue the crickets.)
A launch can be a great moment for a company. The harder part is maintaining that momentum after it’s come and gone. For some companies that can be easy. But for others—especially those just starting out—it can be quite the challenge.
Here are a few things you can do to keep your company top-of-mind following a launch:
Keep a steady media program
Media relations is a core part of any PR program, and in this case having a steady, ongoing media effort will help you remain a part of the conversation. This doesn’t mean hounding reporters every chance you get. Quite the opposite. Seek out opportunities to build relationships with reporters or to become regular contributors to a publication (Inc., for example, has ongoing contributors). Don’t just think about top tier (New York Times, Wall Street Journal, etc.), but also consider trade publications that cover your industry.
What should you be pitching them exactly? Well, if you find yourself with no immediate announcements following your launch, consider ways to make news. Original research is always a great way to uncover industry insights and generate buzz. Or, consider discussing stellar customer case studies as they arise. Above all, make sure that you’re sharing something fresh and thought provoking. No one wants to read about a topic that’s already been rehashed a bunch of times.
Stay in the content game
Owned media can be a powerful tool when it comes to giving people a reason to keep revisiting your site. Do a quick audit of what owned properties make sense for you—a blog, social media, etc.—and then put together a content calendar that will keep the content flowing on a regular basis. Whether you’re engaging in Twitter chats or publishing a new report, you’ll want to keep your audiences engaged. Give them a reason to keep coming back.
Flex your event muscles
One of the best ways to stay top-of-mind is to make an impression. And what better way to do that than in person? I know that’s a crazy concept in today’s web-based world, but connecting with others in real life can make just as much of a lasting impression. Look for conferences or events within your industry that you can submit to speak at. This positions you as a thought leader and also gives you the chance to mingle with those who are most likely to be your customers (helloooo bottom line). Outside of conferences, networking events in your area are also great opportunities to explore. Make yourself present and be an active member of your industry.
There are a number of ways to maintain momentum after launch. Find what works best for your audience and map out a PR plan that will help ensure you’re always a part of the conversation.
This article was initially published by our sister company SHIFT Communications on The SHIFT blog.
——— Amanda Grinavich était directrice à SHIFT Communications, société sœur du Cabinet de relations publiques NATIONAL