Le Canada atlantique : croissance et occasions favorables à saisir

St Francis Xavier University – Brian Mulroney Institute of Government
St Francis Xavier University – Brian Mulroney Institute of Government
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En tant que région, le Canada atlantique porte le fardeau d'une réputation défavorable en termes économiques. Mais la région vit des changements. Nos experts présentent ces nouveautés et donnent un aperçu du Atlantic Economic Forum qui débute le 19 juin prochain.
L'article est en anglais.
Riding the wave of economic growth
As a region, Atlantic Canada carries the burden of reputation. A reputation of stagnant growth, low job prospects, high outmigration, and limited economic activity. But if you live in Atlantic Canada or have recently visited, you would have noticed that something significant is happening.
Years of effort and policies aimed at attracting talent from across Canada and beyond have allowed the region to build on the momentum of rapid population growth. The region is creating economic opportunity that is retaining Atlantic Canadians—a goal that for decades felt impossible. Collaboration between the four provinces, as demonstrated with the Atlantic Bubble during the pandemic, has facilitated this growth and made the region more than just a first-rate tourism and retirement destination.
More than a feeling
The momentum Atlantic Canada is experiencing is tangible and worth celebration. The Public Policy Forum’s 2023 report The Atlantic Canada Momentum Index, captures this historic rate of growth demonstrated through increasing rates of population, immigration, GDP per capita, education, employment, and life satisfaction.
It’s not just the ocean air that has Atlantic Canadians feeling good. The prospect of finding meaningful and stable employment in the region paired with a boom in innovation is creating a sense of long-awaited optimism that deserves to be recognized, supported, and encouraged.
The Atlantic Economic Forum
Next week, from June 19 - 21, there will be a significant opportunity to participate in this surge of success. The Brian Mulroney Institute of Government at St. Francis Xavier University is hosting the Atlantic Economic Forum. This will be the first-ever conference on Atlantic Canadian economic growth and will bring together local, national, and global leaders in business and government, to connect and discuss economic development in the region.
Featuring the Right Honourable Brian Mulroney, the Premiers of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, provincial and federal cabinet ministers, and business leaders from across the region and beyond, the Forum will feature insightful speeches, discussions, and debates from the region’s most powerful voices.
The Right Honourable Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, will open the inaugural Forum on Monday, June 19 in Antigonish, Nova Scotia, and address delegates about Global Change & Inclusive Regional Economic Growth Opportunities for Atlantic Canada.
As Atlantic Canadians, we recognize that there are still many challenges we face, some accelerated by this growth, like the demand for medical care in the region, and the ongoing housing crisis, but it’s important to take the time to celebrate positive growth, and how the current momentum can continue to allow the four Atlantic provinces to prosper.
To take part in the Atlantic Economic Forum, you can register here.
——— Kenny Cameron était conseiller au Cabinet de relations publiques NATIONAL