Voir au-delà de la COVID-19 pour mieux protéger les nourrissons et les enfants

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De notre vivant, les vaccins n'ont jamais été autant discutés qu'aujourd'hui. En cette Semaine nationale de promotion de la vaccination, nous vous présentons l'une de nos récentes campagnes qui souligne l'importance de la protection contre des maladies évitables par la vaccination, en particulier pour les nourrissons et les enfants.
(L'article est en anglais.)
In our lifetime, vaccines have never been discussed the way they are now. This National Immunization Awareness Week, amidst the intense activity around COVID-19 vaccinations, we’re highlighting a recent campaign that stressed the importance of protection against other vaccine-preventable diseases, particularly in infants and children.
The NATIONAL Toronto Healthcare team has a depth of experience in the vaccine space, having developed national campaigns for Pfizer Canada to educate audiences that vaccines are not only safe and effective, but an important tool in preventing a number of diseases. Now, with COVID-19 vaccines dominating news around the world, the conversation has an entirely new focus.
The pandemic forced Canadians to rearrange and reprioritize many aspects of day-to-day life. In the months following the onset of COVID-19, it was reported by UNICEF and the World Health Organization (WHO) that there had been a decline in the number of children around the world receiving their routine and recommended immunizations. Despite COVID-19 guidelines and prevention measures, the Canadian government advised that regular infant and toddler immunizations remained essential.
Pfizer Canada boasts a strong heritage in the discovery, development and delivery of medicines and vaccines. In the wake of the pandemic and this trend in infant immunizations, Pfizer engaged NATIONAL to remind parents of infants that following routine and recommended immunization schedules in full, and on time, is the best way to help protect their children from vaccine-preventable diseases, and that they could be done safely during the pandemic.
To execute this, NATIONAL developed and managed an influencer program featuring content creators who are also parents of infants themselves. Four influencers were brought on board for the campaign, each adding their own unique narrative to the larger conversation on managing infant health during an incredibly challenging and complex public health crisis. Influencer identification tools were leveraged to ensure talent partners had existing relationships with the parenting community in target markets. To maximize reach and engagement, each piece of in-feed content was amplified through paid promotion.
By the end of the campaign, NATIONAL and Pfizer Canada saw an engagement rate 3.8 times higher than the industry standard, a result of the timeliness and relevancy of the campaign, coupled with the audience’s trust and close relationship with the influencers. By optimizing paid amplification for reach, connection was made with a larger community beyond each influencer’s core followi ng.
Click here for more information on vaccinations during COVID-19.
Reach out to our healthcare communications experts to learn more about how we can help.
——— Karley Ura était directrice au Cabinet de relations publiques NATIONAL
——— Tenney Loweth était directrice adjointe, Santé au Cabinet de relations publiques NATIONAL
——— Rebecca Krauss était conseillère au Cabinet de relations publiques NATIONAL